This is my final newsletter message as President of VCRA, but that does not mean my duties have concluded. The next two months appear to be the busiest time ever and will be filled with activities on behalf of the Virginia Court Reporters Association.
The General Assembly went into session this month, and VCRA will continue to lobby for the creation of the Virginia Board for Court Reporters as an independent board to establish the qualification of applicants for licensure or registration in our state.
VCRA has a brand-new website, which may be found at, and this is where you will find updates on the progression of the bills through Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates.
If you have not yet been to our website, take a moment to stop by. Our very own board member, Christopher Reho, undertook the task of redesigning our website and moving it to a different platform. The website has a members-only section. In addition, you may register for the convention, read the newsletter, edit your membership information and locate all things relevant to court reporting. I would like to extend a huge thank you to Christopher for undertaking this project.
Our convention in Lynchburg, Virginia, is scheduled for March 20 - 22, 2020. Mark Kislingbury will be our keynote presenter. We hope you will join us for a weekend of networking with your fellow reporters and learning new skills along the way. In addition to our inaugural speed contest, there will be a Friday evening social, where we invite you to Roar into the ‘20s by dressing up in your flapper dress or zoot suit. Bring your steno machine and laptop and be ready to learn new skills during our presentations on Saturday and Sunday.
As I reflect back over the past two years as VCRA President, there is one word that is ever present in my mind. The word is gratitude. The current board of directors has been one of the most active and dynamic boards I have ever had the privilege to work with, and I am so very fortunate to have been part of this team.
Our members are at the heart of everything VCRA does, and I thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve as your President. Our Immediate Past President, Carol Naughton, left behind some very big shoes to fill, and I would like to thank her for all the guidance and assistance she has provided to me during my time as president.
VCRA will be in very good hands with our incoming President, Donna Linton. Donna has worked tirelessly for VCRA during the past few years, and she is always one of the first people to volunteer and will jump in and do whatever needs to be done. She was president of VCRA during the years 2001 to 2002. Donna was featured recently in The Washington Post, and the article written about her may be found in this newsletter. Thank you, Donna, for sharing your wisdom, your willingness to always lend a hand, and positive attitude.
I would be remiss if I did not also give credit where it is due, and that would be to Rachel Cramer, Michele Eddy, Sindie Bragg, Cherrylynn Gerardo, Lori McCoin Jones, Grace Lengmueller, Christopher Reho, Kristina Tan and Zelma Lee. The committees these individuals have participated in and activities they have performed over my time as VCRA president have been phenomenal.
Liz Phillips, our Executive Director, works tirelessly in the background and does not seek accolades, but she deserves them. Liz provides continuity from one board to the next, has a wealth of knowledge of VCRA and is always willing to share with others.
As I shift towards the role of immediate past president, I thank you for your support, and I appreciate the trust you placed in me. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve our membership.
I would encourage each of you to give back in some small way to the court reporting profession. Get involved. It is your future!
With warm regards,

Leslie Etheredge, RMR, CCR
President, Virginia Court Reporters Association