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Student Resources

Let us help you get the most out of your student experience.  Join VCRA!  Student membership connects you to a network of Virginia court reporters, captioners, and firm owners in the Commonwealth.  As a member, you will receive our quarterly Newsletter that will keep you up to date with what’s happening in Virginia and grant you access to our members-only Facebook group.  Membership runs from July 1st through June 30th of the following year and will be prorated if you join in the middle of a cycle.

What is Court Reporting?

A Day in the Life of Donna Linton

Scholarship Opportunity

As a student, you can apply for a scholarship fund called the Carolyn M. O’Connor Education Fund Scholarship, with an award of up to $1,000.

If you are a student who is actively engaged in the study of court reporting, either enrolled in a traditional school setting or attending an online program, and you have completed at least one semester of court reporting school, along with passing at least one test at a minimum of 160 words per minute, then YOU should apply.

You can download the application by contacting Rachel Cramer at admin@vcrf.net or from our website.

How to Get Started

If you are curious about what the court reporting profession offers, go to NCRA Discover Steno or Project Steno and try a free introductory class.  

While there are no brick and mortar schools teaching court reporting in Virginia, many programs now offer online education, so there are a variety of school options no matter where you live.  The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) maintains a list of court reporting programs that have been reviewed and approved by them.  Click here to view the list.

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P. O. Box 578

Round Hill, VA 20142-0578

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Virginia Court Reporters Association

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