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  • 15 Apr 2020 1:04 PM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    I certainly didn’t think I would be writing my first President’s Message as your president without having our convention and annual board meeting. These are definitely unique times we’re living through, and as one reporter, Anita Glover pointed out, would rather be reading about them in history.

    The Roaring ‘20s we are living in a very different way than we imagined. We’re certainly not able to live it up with themed gatherings or even able to celebrate momentous occasions. This virus has affected us all in our professional lives as well. Yet I have noticed how so many have reached out with support, financial information, free trainings, free dictations, free grammar classes, discounts on maintenance and remote services, and the list goes on. You see the evidence daily of what a great group of professionals we are, helping each other, supporting each other, despite some differences of opinions we had prior to the virus on licensure, methods, rates.

    Times like these can bring out the worst in people, as the expression is used. It’s panic. It’s normal. A lot of reporters are geared to feast or famine, and it seems this is a famine none of us have seen. But we are all in this together. We’re not the only profession that is having to adjust and adapt. One thing to keep in mind to adapt is living in the moment. Life doesn’t wait for us to get over our imaginary fears and worries. It’s going to keep moving on. Move on with it is what you have control over. Take this time now to embrace new technology so you can move on with it. Remote depositions might become a more routine avenue for deposing out-of-state witnesses after all of this is over with to save attorneys’ clients’ money for travel. It will save you as the reporter the cost of parking, high tolls, wear and tear on your vehicle. And it is certainly going to give you more quality time at home and time to get your transcripts out faster. I know, for me, that is something I want to embrace.

    VCRA has been working hard to help get the Governor to enter an emergency order to allow those having difficulty obtaining their electronic notary to keep the wheels of justice rolling along and keeping us a part of it. VCRA has been helping members and nonmembers successfully submit their electronic notary applications. VCRA has written to the VA Lawyers Weekly to let them know that many of VCRA’s members have their electronic notary license and are Zoom proficient and ready to work for their subscribers. VCRA has been here to answer your questions the best we can. We want to thank all of the members for your contributions and suggestions towards these efforts, especially Linda Kia and Misty Klapper.

    Your new VCRA board wants to thank all of our registrants, speakers, vendors and sponsors for your patience while we successfully worked through the logistics in the most cost-effective way possible to move the convention to October. We are so looking forward to seeing everyone there and the fall leaves will be a hit as well as our speakers.

    We still have a ways to go to get through this quarantine. Please feel free to reach out to VCRA for any help you may need or suggestions you have. We wish you much good health and happiness and please don’t forget…wash your hands.

    Donna Linton, RMR,CCR,CLR

    VCRA President

  • 14 Apr 2020 10:30 AM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    The VCRA is running a membership drive!  If you are brand new to the VCRA or if you were previously a member but haven't been a member for the past three years, you're qualified to join for only $50 (with CCR, $75).  If that wasn't incentive enough, your membership will be valid through July 1, 2021!

    So what are you waiting for?  Join the association that is fighting for court reporters in Virginia, and take advantage of Early Bird member pricing for our 2020 Convention this March!  See you in Lynchburg!

    What Membership Does For You

    - VCRA fought off electronic recording going into Williamsburg and Norfolk courts.
    - VCRA helped to push through SB 545, stopping contracting and keeping impartiality.
    - VCRA has socials for reporters throughout the state to stay in touch.
    - VCRA gives you opportunities for CEUs and special training.
    - VCRA keeps you informed of legislative matters that concern you and your career.
    - VCRA members get exclusive access to our quarterly newsletter.
    - Remember, numbers speak volumes.  As individuals, we’re weaker; together, we’re stronger.

    Those who qualify:

    • People who have never been a member of the VCRA
    • Former members who have not had an active membership for the past three years

    To receive the discount: 

    Enter VCRASTRONG in the box marked "Enter discount code" on the application. 

    Click here to join now!

    (Eligibility will be confirmed before application is approved.  Discount only applies to Professional with/without CCR applicants.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the Executive Director at executive-director@vcra.net.)

  • 24 Mar 2020 7:40 PM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    Dear VCRA Members, Convention Registrants, Sponsors and Vendors,

    Our 2020 court reporting convention has now been rescheduled to October 23 to 25, 2020. The season might be different, but the rest of the convention will be identical to all planned events and speakers from March. Our keynote speaker will be Mark Kislingbury, along with featured speakers Jim DeCrescenzo from Project Steno, Michele Eddy, and NCRA representative Yolanda Walton.

    Total Event CEUs: NCRA 1.2/NVRA 12.0

    VCRA members with a CCR designation and CEU cycle expiring on June 30, 2020, the deadline will automatically be extended to January 31, 2021.

    NEW DATES: October 23 to 25, 2020

    SAME LOCATION: The Virginian Hotel, Lynchburg, Virginia

    Current registrations for the original March convention will automatically transfer to the rescheduled October convention.

    While we hope to see all of you in October, we know there may be some who might have prior commitments or will be unavailable in October. If you are already registered but unable to attend the rescheduled convention, please email admin@vcra.net to request a registration cancellation and refund. If you weren’t able to attend in March but now will be able to join us in October, please visit our website at vcra.net for registration details.

    Hotel booking link:

    Book Now

    Please note: The cut-off date for reserving rooms in the discounted room block is 4:00 p.m. on September 23, 2020.

    Thank you for your patience this past week while VCRA coordinated rescheduling with The Virginian Hotel and our speakers. We appreciate all our sponsors and are looking forward to seeing our vendors and attendees soon.

    With warm regards,

    The Virginia Court Reporters Association Board of Directors

  • 24 Mar 2020 4:49 PM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    Greetings VCRA voting members,

    With the postponement of our 2020 convention, our annual business meeting is also being postponed, which is when our election of officers and directors typically takes place. In order for your new Board of Directors to begin serving its membership and fulfilling their duties and responsibilities, the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors would like to hold our elections electronically. While our current Bylaws do allow for electronic voting, they also require that at least 20 voting members be present at a meeting where elections are held.

    In light of the governmental ban on meetings of 10 or more people pursuant to the outbreak of COVID-19, the entire Board met via Zoom on March 21, 2020, and voted to propose to the membership to suspend, for these special purposes only, Article IX, Section 3(b) and Section 4 of the Bylaws. Our complete Bylaws can be located here, but the pertinent sections regarding the election read as follows:

    Section 3 – Voting

    b) Voting of the membership by proxy on any issue, or for officers and directors, shall be permitted when such action is authorized by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the Board of Directors and such proxy is delivered with the notice of the meeting and shall be permissible by mail, e-mail, or fax.

    Section 4 – Quorum of Professional Members

    At the annual business meeting or any meeting of this Association, twenty-five percent (25%) of voting members present, in person or by proxy, constitute a quorum, provided that no fewer than twenty (20) voting members are physically present. The action of a majority of the voting members at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the action of the voting members.

    We are asking that you consider this e-mail as notification of our intent to hold elections in this manner. If you would like to submit any write-in candidates to be considered for election on the board, please send an e-mail to Liz Phillips at vcraexecutivedirector@gmail.com by April 2nd, 2020.

    The complete ballot with instructions will be available April 3rd, and there will be a 48-hour window in which to cast your vote. Mail-in ballots will be made available upon reasonable request. Announcement of voting results will be posted by April 7th.

    Please see the introduction to the incoming officers and directors below.

    With warm regards,

    The Virginia Court Reporters Association Board of Directors

  • 13 Mar 2020 2:25 PM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    Dear VCRA Members, Convention Registrants, Sponsors and Vendors,

    The Virginia Court Reporters Association has decided at this time, due to the recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States, it would be in everyone's best interest to postpone our upcoming VCRA Convention scheduled for March 20 - 22, 2020, at The Virginian Hotel in Lynchburg, Virginia.

    We are coordinating now with the hotel and our speakers regarding a new date and plan to make our announcement early next week.

    Please be sure to cancel your hotel reservations.

    We will be sending announcements soon to notify you of the rescheduled date for the annual business meeting and methods of attendance and voting.

    With warm regards,

    The Virginia Court Reporters Association Board of Directors

  • 12 Mar 2020 11:06 PM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    Message to VCRA members and convention registrants:

    As a member of VCRA or convention registrant, we wanted to let you know we have been monitoring the recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States. We understand your concerns and how it might affect our upcoming convention in Lynchburg, Virginia, scheduled for March 20 - 22, 2020.

    We have been in contact with our speakers, and they are still comfortable moving forward with their speaking obligations; but due to the developments in the last 24 hours, we are touching base again with the hotel to see how best to proceed. We plan to send out an update to everyone tomorrow.

    Leslie Etheredge, Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Court Reporter

    President, Virginia Court Reporters Association

  • 8 Feb 2020 11:55 AM | Christopher Reho (Administrator)

    It's Court Reporting & Captioning Week!  Join the VCRA as we celebrate our profession all across the commonwealth!  We're hosting four socials, so there's sure to be an event near you!  

    Northern Virginia

    Where:  Founding Farmers Tysons1800 Tysons BlvdTysons, VA 22102

    When:  Sunday, Feb 9, 2020, 1:30 PM

    Please RSVP to amicusreporting@aol.com


    Where:  Caturra on Grove, 5811 Grove Ave, Richmond, VA 23226

    When:  Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020, 5:00 PM

    Please RSVP to vcraexecutivedirector@gmail.com


    Where:  Los Amigos Restaurant, 2207 Colonial Ave, Roanoke, VA 24015

    When:  Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020, 6:00 PM

    Please RSVP to vcraexecutivedirector@gmail.com

    Hampton Roads

    Where:  Bahama Breeze, 4554 Virginia Beach Blvd, Suite 10, Virginia Beach, VA 23462

    When:  Thursday, Feb 13, 2020, 5:30 PM

    Please RSVP to vcraexecutivedirector@gmail.com

Call or Email Us





P. O. Box 578

Round Hill, VA 20142-0578

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Virginia Court Reporters Association

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