The VCRA is running a membership drive! If you are brand new to the VCRA or if you were previously a member but haven't been a member for the past three years, you're qualified to join for only $50 (with CCR, $75). If that wasn't incentive enough, your membership will be valid through July 1, 2021!
So what are you waiting for? Join the association that is fighting for court reporters in Virginia, and take advantage of Early Bird member pricing for our 2020 Convention this March! See you in Lynchburg!
What Membership Does For You
- VCRA fought off electronic recording going into Williamsburg and Norfolk courts.
- VCRA helped to push through SB 545, stopping contracting and keeping impartiality.
- VCRA has socials for reporters throughout the state to stay in touch.
- VCRA gives you opportunities for CEUs and special training.
- VCRA keeps you informed of legislative matters that concern you and your career.
- VCRA members get exclusive access to our quarterly newsletter.
- Remember, numbers speak volumes. As individuals, we’re weaker; together, we’re stronger.

Those who qualify:
- People who have never been a member of the VCRA
- Former members who have not had an active membership for the past three years
To receive the discount:
Enter VCRASTRONG in the box marked "Enter discount code" on the application.

Click here to join now!
(Eligibility will be confirmed before application is approved. Discount only applies to Professional with/without CCR applicants. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Executive Director at